Why make a video?
Video content is among the tools that more easily generates the so-called buzz on the web, thatworld of mouth" that creates a publisher's "brand image".
Today the opinions of the readers are no longer shared only with family and friends; comments span the globe and often public's opinionis not based on the authority of the source commenting but on the amount of people who agree on the judgment. For these reason, videos are an excellent tool to attract the public's attention on the book.
In the publishing field, you can make several video content to be used not only as a form of online promotion but also as extra content in a possible e-book edition
• Creative Books • will help you to choose the type of video and the promotional campaign that best suits your needs, starting from budget, choose between book-trailer , interviews , video-documents and -reviews!
Book Trailer
• Book-trailers • are short films built on the model of movie trailers, whose purpose is to evoke through images, music, sounds and words, the contents and the feel of a book. The purpose is to catch viewer's attention in the hope that they will decide to buy it or find out more.
The book-trailer was created as an alternative tool for the promotion of the novels, in a way that points toimmediate communication designed to convey the charm of an artwork in seconds.
The message you want to convey can be communicated through animations, stock footage or specifically shot scenes, with appropriate music and graphics.
Book trailers operate on two levels, one conscious, when the world of the book is presented to the potential reader, through quotes and evocative images and a subliminal one, when the reader recognizes a book cover that looks familiar but can't say why. If the book trailer succeeds in making people remember the name of the author or the book cover, it automatically increases the chance that the book will be recognized and purchased.
Depending on the topics discussed and the budget that you want to invest, Creative Books • ' team can write a quote → for the most effective cost/benefits ratio. For example, you can create a book trailer with a fly-through effect between the pages, with music and graphics → for € 400.00.
Visit Creative Books Channel on YouTube and send us a message for information and quotes: info@creativebooks.it
Video interviews are videos in which the author talks about his book, tells some curiosities or answers questions regarding his literary production and/or his artistic experience.
Creative Books • takes care of all the steps needed to create a viral video-interview: we design the interview's style, select questions and topics to be addressed, find the right location to shoot and study the best strategy to promote the interview via web. We also take care of editing and post-production .
In case of book presentations and live events with the author, Creative Books • ' team can shoot a video and edit it for the web or other purposes.
Visit our Works gallery to see some of our videos and contact us for information and projects.
Video Interviews
Video Documents
These videos are extra content made for the reader who wants to find out more about the book's topic, both in fiction and non-fiction books.
For example, you can add video-animations of the illustrations of your book → or add a 3d map view of the locations described in the text.
As far as non-fiction books, Creative Books • suggests video-documents made to explore the work carried out by the author (interviews, photos, techniques' explanation) in order to enrich the experience of those who buy the book.
Visit our Works gallery to see some of our videos and contact us for information and projects.
Video -reviews are useful to give visibility to a book.
In these videos, an influential or a famous personality among the book's public, reviews the text, highlighting its strengths.
• Creative Books • helps to search the personality to interview, finds the location to shoot and the questions to be addressed. We also take care of filming, editing and post production.
The video-reviews can also be carried out within projects involving the public, inviting them to send realvideo-fan-art": videos made by fans who want to express their opinion or creativity. These videos can be video-reviews or home made book trailer.
• Creative Books • helps you to organize "calls for fan art" projects, starting from the creation of the website and social pages of the event.